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Reading the maps: a guide to the Irish Historic Towns Atlas

Available also, is the chapter on the Anglo-Norman town from Reading the maps: a guide to the Irish Historic Towns Atlas by Jacinta Prunty and Howard Clarke where the town type is contextualised and case studies given.

Download Anglo-Norman town chapter (PDF)

Cover illustration from


There are three publications related to Galway available. The atlas traces the growth and development of the city of Galway from its origins as an Anglo-Norman borough and seaport.

Renaissance Galway: delineating the mid-seventeenth-century city (Dublin, Royal Irish Academy, 2019) by Paul Walsh was published as an ancillary publication to the atlas and focuses in on the magnificent Pictorial Map of Galway.

Galway c.1200 to c.1900: from medieval borough to modern city pocket map from the Irish Historic Towns Atlas shows historic Galway plotted onto a detailed Ordnance Survey Ireland modern base.

Publications from the IHTA Galway collection


The Digital Atlas of Galway is an interactive map using layers of mapping and data from the topographical information on an ArcGIS database and is available to search and explore.

Digital Atlas of Galway

Based on content from Irish Historic Towns Atlas (IHTA) no. 28 Galway/Gaillimh by Jacinta Prunty and Paul Walsh, the Digital Atlas of Galway provides users with historical and topographical information about the city for selected time-periods.

Explore the Digital Atlas of Galway

A detailed medieval map illustration of a walled city with various buildings, gates, and streets. A compass rose is shown in the bottom left corner.

Galway Exhibition

An exhibition on the evolution of Galway has been curated by authors Jacinta Prunty and Paul Walsh to compliment the publication of Irish Historic Towns Atlas no. 28 Galway/Gaillimh.

Galway Exhibition