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Welcome from the Grangegorman Histories working group chair

Grangegorman Histories is a public history project to assist the discovery, recording and commemoration of the eventful history of the Grangegorman area. The Foundation Document describes our purpose and details some of the events and activities that will take place over the lifetime of the project.

Our Founding Partners are Dublin City Council, Grangegorman Development Agency, Health Service Executive, Local Communities, National Archives, Royal Irish Academy and TU Dublin. They have all contributed to the establishment of the project and they will all support us in our work. The Grangegorman Development Agency and the Royal Irish Academy will lead the programme of research and shared discovery.

For generations, Grangegorman was synonymous with the confinement of vulnerable people in a variety of institutions – an asylum, a prison and a workhouse. The project aims to raise awareness of these multi-faceted histories through an ambitious, wide-ranging and challenging programme that is always respectful and recognises the sometimes-distressing nature of personal stories.

I encourage everyone to consider ways in which they can engage with us as the project unfolds and I look forward to meeting many of you along the way.

Dr Philip Cohen
Chair, Grangegorman Histories Expert Working Group


Grangegorman Histories