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Snap that: Life through the lens of Ireland’s 18- to 25-year-olds

Calling 18- to 25-year-olds on the island of Ireland to tell the story of your generation through your smartphone lens. Photographs with accompanying captions will be selected for an online exhibition. Closing date for submissions now extended to Monday, 2 November 2020.

How to share your story


What place or object helps, inspires or hinders you? Is there an object that symbolises the people who shape your story? Think about an image that will creatively capture the essence of that.
(Please note that photographs of people will not be accepted but you could symbolise a special person with an object – such as your mother’s handbag or your grandad’s stick just remember to explain the connection in your caption.)


Draw people into your story with a photo that catches the eye and imagination. Try a different angle, a close-up, or use a filter. Sometimes just part of a bigger object can work better – for example, the door or letter box of your home rather than the whole apartment block.


Your photo should tell the main story. A caption can help people understand the importance to you of the object or place in the image.

In particular, don’t forget to say whether the photo shows something that helps or hinders you. For example, if you sent in a photo of a locked gate people would need to know whether it was something that made you feel secure (‘helps’) or prevented you from using an amenity (‘hinders’).


We welcome submissions from the whole island of Ireland. Submit your photo and caption via this online form by the closing date now extended to 2 November 2020. Each person may submit a maximum of five photographs – remember you must be aged between 18 and 25 when you submit your images, and you must have taken them yourself.

Terms and conditions

Please study this document which contains further information and terms for participation including copyright, licences, data protection, and consents.

Exhibition selection criteria

When thinking about which images to shortlist for the online exhibition, the following guidelines will be used:

  • The image must be of an object or place that relates to the theme of ‘helping or hindering’ a person’s well-being or development. An object or place can be used to represent a wider concept or even a person. The caption will be used to help determine how well this guideline has been met.
  • The type of object or place should be recognisable to most viewers at a glance. While people will read the caption for more detail, they should be able to identify that they are looking at a ring, a key, a gate, a playground, a harbour etc without too much work. For places, it is not necessary for the viewer to be able to recognise where exactly it is.
  • Preference will be given to images that highlight issues of importance to young adults, especially areas likely to be of interest to policy-makers.
  • The image should have sufficient visual impact that it will engage the attention of the viewer and inspire them to want to know more about the story behind it.