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Young Academy Survey of Early Career Researchers

The Royal Irish Academy would like to gather the views of Early Career Researchers on the proposal to establish a Young Academy in Ireland. The Young Academy would bring together Early Career Researchers (ECRs) from all disciplines across the island of Ireland.

Young academies aim to contribute to societal change through interdisciplinary dialogue and public engagement, giving ECRs a distinct voice in research and policy discussions. Its activities might include some or all of the following in addition to activities that might be identified by Young Academy members: policy for research and higher education, promoting an inclusive and diverse research sector, science and policymaking, education and outreach. Many other countries have established a Young Academy and more information on their activities and objectives is available here.

The Young Academy is for scientists and scholars on the island of Ireland who are at an early stage of their careers. While there is no one single definition of an Early Career Researcher or Early Career Scientist, ECRs can generally be considered as someone who has been awarded a PhD in the previous 10 years. The Young Academy of Ireland is currently a working title and its first cohort of members will get the final decision on its name.

The survey is anonymous. The information provided in the survey will help us to evaluate and to identify some of the main priorities that the proposed young academy will need to consider. The survey has been complied by a Young Academy Working Group, from a range of disciplines and includes members from the Technological Higher Education Association (THEA), Irish Universities Association (IUA), Irish Research Staff Association (IrishRSA) and the Royal Irish Academy.

You can access the Young Academy survey here. It should take less than 10 minutes to complete. An overview of survey results will be published on the Royal Irish Academy website.

The deadline for completion of the survey is Friday, 2 April 2021. For any questions on the survey, please contact

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