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This news post is more than 2 years old

Royal Irish Academy ongoing support of Ukraine

The Royal Irish Academy stands in solidarity with the citizens and scholarly community in Ukraine and has, along with colleagues from Europe and around the world, denounced in the strongest terms the criminal invasion of that country by the Russian Federation read the Royal Irish Academy President’s statement

At its stated general meeting today the Members of the Academy approved the following statement:

“The Royal Irish Academy deplores the statement recently made in the name of a large number of university rectors in Russia condoning and abetting that country’s war on the people of Ukraine. The Academy calls on scholars and universities to avoid collaborating with those institutions while the war and sanctions continue​.”

It is estimated that as many as 25,000 scholars and scientists may be forced to flee the conflict, as well as very significant numbers of students, perhaps as many as 300,000. Ireland is already welcoming Ukrainians affected by the crisis, with more due to arrive, among whom will be many seeking help and advice from the Irish third level and research sector.

The President of the Royal Irish Academy has requested Luke Drury, MRIA to act as the Academy’s spokesperson and coordinator in responding to this tragedy.

In the first place the Royal Irish Academy plans to set up a mentoring service to connect displaced academics to appropriate contacts within the Irish higher education system and will work closely with the higher education sector and other relevant bodies to assist displaced academics arriving in Ireland to the best of the Academy’s ability. The Academy further wishes to draw attention to some of the useful resources for at-risk and displaced researchers, scholars, higher education and research institutions, policymakers and others developed by: ·

This information will be continually updated as the situation evolves. To get in contact with the Royal Irish Academy on this matter, please direct all communication to