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Next Generation Construction Conference

Conference to highlight changing education and research needs of future construction workforce will take place on Thursday, 24 November at the Royal Irish Academy.

Next Generation Construction in Ireland, a conference of the Engineering and Computer Sciences Committee and Geography and Geosciences Committee of the Royal Irish Academy, in conjunction with the Construction Industry Federation, will take place on Thursday 24 November 2022 at the Royal Irish Academy, 19 Dawson Street, Dublin 2.

The conference will bring together a unique combination of industry and academia to address the need for a skilled, future-proofed workforce in construction and is sponsored by Enterprise Ireland, the Higher Education Authority and the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland.

PJ Rudden, Chair of the Construction Sector Group on Innovation and Digital Adoption said: ‘The ability of the construction sector in Ireland to deliver on the National Development Plan and a large increase in housing stock is critically dependent on the supply of a skilled workforce at all levels, from apprenticeships to researchers, across a wide range of disciplines.

The construction sector in Ireland needs to continue to evolve, so that it can meet the significant challenges that lie ahead. The higher education and training sectors also need to continually adapt to ensure programmes deliver graduates who have skills and knowledge of modern and emerging methods of construction, digital technologies and the policy and regulatory framework within which construction operates.

This conference will examine how we can ensure that the construction workforce is equipped with the right skills to meet tomorrow’s challenges and needs.’

Professor Padraic O’Donoghue, co-Chair of the organising committee added: ‘We are delighted that the Royal Irish Academy, in collaboration with the Construction Industry Federation, is hosting this unique gathering of academics and construction industry professionals. The sharing of knowledge and practice across education and industry is key to the identification of the key skills, knowledge and research needed to underpin the successful evolution of the Irish construction industry over the coming decade and beyond.’

The conference will be opened by Mary Canning, President of the Royal Irish Academy, followed by keynote addresses from PJ Rudden, Aengus Consulting. There are three key themes in the conference; Modern Methods of Construction, Digital Adoption for Construction and New Technologies and Policies for Enhanced Sustainability. Attendees will hear from leading practitioners and academics in each of these areas, and this will be augmented with a number of focused panel discussion sessions. The conference is set to be of significant interest to those working in construction across Ireland, and the event counts as Engineers Ireland CPD.

Next Generation Construction in Ireland will take place from 10:00 to 17:00 on Thursday 24 November. Tickets cost €25. For the full conference agenda and to book tickets visit:

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