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DIB publishes diverse mix of new entries April 2023

This April the Dictionary of Irish Biography is publishing 40 new entries, including a mix of contemporary figures, ‘missing persons’, specially commissioned biographies for our recently published book, Irish Sporting Lives, and five fascinating early modern women.

Among the notable contemporary figures are soccer manager Jack Charlton (1935–2020), former leader of the Ulster Unionist Party James Molyneaux (1920–2015), broadcaster Derek Davis (1948–2015) and artist Basil Blackshaw (1932–2016), while our ‘missing persons’ include aviator Mary Bailey (1890–1960), sole survivor of the Ballyseedy massacre Stephen Fuller (1900–1984), and executioner Elizabeth Sugrue (1740/50–1807), who was known as ‘Lady Betty’

See our ‘New entries’ page, for a full list of the newly added biographies.