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Webinar: Learning from national open access platforms

If you missed our Publish OA webinar, co-led by the RIA and TCD focusing on the founding and evolution of national open access (OA) platforms, you can watch it now.

About Publish OA

Publish OA was created in response to the Government of Ireland’s target of achieving 100% open access to publicly funded scholarly publications by 2030 and is funded by the National Open Research Forum (NORF). The project will run until November 2024. The project’s key objective is to evaluate the feasibility of establishing a national OA platform for journals and books for Ireland.

Existing national OA platforms have been successful in helping publishers comply with OA requirements and have agreed to share their experiences through this webinar. The presentations cover the creation of the platforms, principles adhered to, technical requirements, business models used to sustain these platforms and any lessons learnt.


Panellists include Jan Willem Wijnen ( and Antti-Jussi Nygård and Sami Syrjämäki ( is a diamond open access platform for scientific journals, which was launched in 2021. It now hosts 24 journals with a new journal being added almost every month. is a journal management and publishing service provided by the Federation of Finnish Learned Societies. It features 130 Finnish scholarly journals.

