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‘Asylum: Inside Grangegorman’ officially launched this week

Professor Brendan Kelly’s book was officially launched by Dr Stephanie O’Keefe (HSE) and Niall Breslin earlier this week in the Lower House in Grangegorman

Asylum: Inside Grangegorman by Brendan Kelly was officially launched by Dr Stephanie O’Keefe (HSE) and Niall Breslin earlier this week in the Lower House in Grangegorman.

Thank you to all our guests and to our hosts Technological University Dublin and for the warm welcome from Brian Jordan, President of TU Dublin Students’ Union.

Available now in bookshops nationwide or from our webshop.

Brendan Kelly pictured at the Lower House in Grangegorman

L-R: Niall Breslin, Brendan Kelly, Stephanie O’Keefe and Philip Cohen (Chair of the Grangegorman Histories Expert Working Group)

Niall Breslin

L-R: ​Ruth Hegarty, Nora Rahill (Grangegorman Development Agency), Brendan Kelly and Stephanie O’Keefe.

Grangegorman Histories is a public history programme of research and shared discovery of the Grangegorman site and surrounding communities. Find out more about Grangegorman Histories