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Launch of the 2025 DRI Community Archive Scheme!

DRI would like to invite applications for our 2025 Community Archive Scheme!

As a publicly funded repository for Ireland’s social and cultural data, the Digital Repository of Ireland (DRI) believes it is important to make long-term preservation of digital materials open to a wide range of organisations, including those operating on a non-funded, voluntary basis.

We value the publication of a diversity of datasets and collections and are committed to supporting community-based archival initiatives through sharing our digital preservation skills and profession-based knowledge. We, therefore, offer some associate memberships and all the related benefits, as part of our DRI Community Archive Scheme for the length of time it takes a group to add their collection to the Repository.

Please join us at our coffee morning on 28th August 2024 for information about the scheme, how to apply and reflections from past winners.

Please register in advance for this meeting through Zoom.

For more information, and for past winners, please view our dedicated Community Archive Scheme website section.