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Ireland – Scotland Bilateral Network Grants scheme invites applications which address the theme of ‘Business and Economic Relationships’

The Ireland-Scotland joint Bilateral Review notes the scope for shared learning and activity to increase our economic cooperation in a number of areas, including renewable energy and with this in mind we especially welcome applications that adopt an environmental focus when addressing the theme.

The  Ireland–Scotland Bilateral Network Grants which is a collaboration between the Royal Irish Academy and the Royal Society of Edinburgh is funded by the Department of Foreign Affairs and the Scottish Government Office in Ireland. The ambition of the scheme is to strengthen co-operation and learning between excellent researchers, academics and practitioners in Scotland and Ireland within the five thematic areas identified within the 2021 Irish–Scottish Bilateral Review.

The grant scheme is open to academic researchers working in higher education institutions (HEI) or research institutes (RI) in Scotland or Ireland. For full details of the scheme see here.

The deadline for applications to this scheme is 12 noon on Thursday, 24 October.