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RIA and Ibec unveil 2024 Hamilton plans

The Royal Irish Academy is delighted to announce that Laura DeMarco, Professor of Mathematics at Harvard University, will be delivering the 2024 Hamilton Lecture.

Hamilton Day is supported by Ibec

The Academy is thrilled to be partnering with Ibec for the fifth year in a row to deliver our annual Hamilton Day celebration. Hamilton Day, the Bloomsday of the mathematics community, commemorates a ground-breaking discovery by one of Ireland’s most famous scientists, William Rowan Hamilton. Learn more about this true eureka moment for science.

Professor DeMarco’s lecture on the ‘The geometry and algebra of the Mandelbrot set’ will take place on Hamilton Day, 16 October at 6pm and tickets are available here. As part of our annual Hamilton Day celebrations an award ceremony recognises the most gifted third-level mathematics students in Ireland and our internationally renowned speaker will facilitate a masterclass for the prize winners.

As the title sponsor of Hamilton Day, Ibec’s support allows the Academy to fulfil our ambitions of recognising and nurturing mathematical talent at undergraduate level, promoting Ireland’s mathematical heritage, and presenting engaging expert speakers on mathematics to the public. This year we invited two special guests to take part in the Ibec Responds podcast. Martin Curley MRIA and Norma Bargary were interviewed by Ibec CEO, Danny McCoy, about the impact of mathematics on their careers and the importance of STEM education for business. You can listen to that conversation here.

It was lovely to welcome Professor Norma Bargary who was awarded the Hamilton Prize in Mathematics in 2004 back to the Academy. She is now Professor of Data Science & Statistical Learning at University of Limerick. Academy Member Martin Curley is Director of Innovation at Maynooth University. He has had a successful and varied career across engineering, technology and finance industries and has a very interesting perspective on applied mathematics.

From left, Norma Bargary (University of Limerick), Danny McCoy (Ibec), and Pat Guiry (President Royal Irish Academy) playing a board game in the Royal Irish Academy library
From left, Norma Bargary (University of Limerick), Danny McCoy (Ibec), and Pat Guiry (President Royal Irish Academy), play William Rowan Hamilton’s Icosian Board Game, an original copy of which is held in the Royal Irish Academy Library. Hamilton Day Launch 2024. Picture by Shane O'Neill, Coalesce.
Martin Curley MRIA, Norma Bargary and Danny McCoy pictured on the steps of the Royal Irish Academy beside William Rowan Hamilton's bust
From left Martin Curley MRIA, Norma Bargary (University of Limerick) and Danny McCoy MRIA (Ibec) pictured on the steps of the Royal Irish Academy beside William Rowan Hamilton's bust. Hamilton Day Launch 2024. Picture by Shane O'Neill, Coalesce.