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Exploring Climate Change and Culture and Heritage Conference Report

The Climate Change and Environmental Sciences Committee has released a report of proceedings from the Exploring Climate Change and Culture and Heritage conference.

In June 2023 the Royal Irish Academy’s Climate Change and Environmental Sciences Committee (CCES), in collaboration with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), hosted a conference to explore climate change and culture and heritage. By bringing together climate and heritage experts, this one-day conference aimed to highlight the profound effects of climate change on Ireland’s cultural legacy and to propose solutions and approaches for mitigating these effects.
As this is an emerging research area, the report aims to capture as much of the proceedings of the conference as possible. The document contains summaries of the keynote papers and case studies presented on the day as well as a summary of the conclusions and recommendations captured during the conference’s closing discussion. It is the committee’s hope that this can be used as a resource to advance research, discussion and action in this field.

The CCES committee wishes to acknowledge the support of the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage, and the EPA who made this event possible.

Exploring Climate Change and Culture and Heritage