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We hear from ourspeaker Sarah Cunningham-Burley, Chair Nuffield Council on Bioethics and our respondent GianpieroCavalleri, Professor of Human Genetics, Deputy Director of the SFI FutureNeuroResearch Centre and Director of the Human Genetic Variation Research Group atRCSI.

Speaker: Sarah Cunningham-Burley is Professor of Medical and Family Sociology / Co-Head of Centre for Biomedicine, Self and Society at the Usher Institute, University of Edinburgh. 

Respondent: Gianpiero Cavalleri is Professor of Human Genetics, Deputy Director of the SFI FutureNeuro Research Centre and Director of the Human Genetic Variation Research Group at RCSI.

Royal Irish Academy Discourse Series

The Royal Irish Academy’s discourses are the oldest and most renowned series of talks in Ireland. The first discourses were presented in 1786. Historically, Academy discourses were the occasion reserved for the most distinguished academics to first reveal and discuss their research in public. Continuing in this tradition, the Discourse Series brings international experts to the Academy to discuss important contemporary issues in front of a live audience. Past discourses are available to watch back on

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