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  • A letter verifying the applicant’s competency to undertake the research from one named referee who is independent of the project.
  • Detailed costings of proposed project (using template form provided).
  • Applicants are required to inform the RIA of any potential conflicts of interest. In this regard applicants proposing to employ family members during the course of a funded project are required to disclose this to the RIA in advance of the drawdown of funds.
  • A clear outline of all efforts made to obtain additional funding from other sources and details of plans for both funding which is already secured and funding requested in this application.
  • A justification for funding the project again, including an explanation of the renewed commitment or altered circumstance for the project. Please ask your referee to confirm this.
  • If applicant is not the licence holder, correspondence from the licence holder confirming approval for application to be submitted or relevant permission from NMI/NMS in cases where the original license holder is deceased or not in a position to progress themselves.
  • Where relevant, a copy of a detailed quotation received from proposed specialist/s.
  • An application will be deemed ineligible if it does not include all required supporting documentation and confirmations listed below

Online Application Form and Appended Information

Applicants must complete the online application form with the appended information as indicated below.  Failure to do so correctly may disqualify the applicant from consideration for funding.

a) Title of Proposed Project

b) Please confirm that this project is concerned with post-excavation research for Archaeological Research Excavations which were previously funded by the Royal Irish Academy, and that RIA excavation funding ended at least five years ago.

c) Please provide a brief abstract (for publicising funded projects etc.)

a) Name

b) Address

c) Phone

d) Email

a) Site name and brief description

b) Townland and county:

c) Grid reference

d) Please list the associated published references

e) State the central research question you wish to address by undertaking this project. What is the anticipated contribution to archaeological knowledge? (Max 1000 words). The Grants subcommittee will wish to see that the applicant is aware of the relevance of their proposal to the challenges of Irish archaeology and that this proposal is aimed primarily towards addressing such challenges.

f) Outline the extent of post-excavation (and where relevant, archiving) carried out to date and a brief update/audit on the status of the artefacts, their condition and the level of reporting carried out to date.

g) Outline plans for adherence to best practice in archiving and reporting on artefacts and ecofacts (including inventories, packing etc.) to enable future research access.

h) Please provide a clear outline of all efforts made to obtain additional funding from other sources and detail of such funding.

i) Please provide a justification for funding the project again, including an explanation of the renewed commitment or altered circumstance for the project. Please ask your referee to confirm this.

j) If the applicant is not the licence holder, correspondence from the licence holder confirming approval for application to be submitted or relevant permission from NMI/NMS in cases where the original license holder is deceased or not in a position to progress themselves.

  • Please provide a detailed methodology and detailed programme for the work proposed under the current application (Max 1000 words). If the current application does not provide for the completion of the project (including publication, archiving and accessioning into NMI and NMS) please provide a methodology and longer term programme for the completion of the project.
  • Please provide details of your qualifications, employment and experience, directly relevant to the application, which demonstrate your ability to carry out the proposed project (Max 1000 words).
  • Please provide the names and addresses of two independent referees that you have consulted with and who will offer a guarantee for the conduct of the project and its publication. Your referees should be senior archaeologists, at least one of which is a practicing archaeologist or resident in Ireland. A letter of verification from one of the named referees must be uploaded with the application.
  • Please provide the names and qualifications of key members of the project team as proposed, and confirm their willingness to be involved in this project.
  • Please provide detailed references to publications of the last two excavations you have directed, or reasons for non-publication (if applicable).
  • If you have not previously directed excavations, list the last four excavations you have participated in, indicating duration of participation and position(s) of responsibility held. Also indicate when you became eligible to hold an excavation licence.
  • Please note that the Grants subcommittee is obliged to disqualify an applicant with one or more excavation reports outstanding to the Licensing Authority.
  • You are requested to confirm that you comply with this requirement and are not ineligible.
  • You are also requested to indicate your consent to the Academy seeking verification of this from the National Monuments Service.

a) Describe how the project will be achieved, to best practice. The answer should include but not be limited to the following: the investigative and research methods; a detailed achievable timeframe (ideally in Gantt chart or similar format); the facilities available to the project; the names and qualifications of key members of the project team, the research partners and/or specialists involved and what they will be contributing; the aspects of the project that are State of the Art in particular the use of cutting edge developments in archaeology, including new scientific techniques (max 1,000 words).

b) Please upload any images (jpg, PDF format etc) or documents supporting this answer, including programme, CVs for key staff, confirmation of proposed contribution from research partners/specialists/conservator, confirmation of facilities provided by a host organisation.

c) Outline the expected outputs from the proposed season of work (max 500 words).

A strategic goal of the RIA is to ‘represent Ireland by engaging and leading in activities that strengthen international recognition of the Academy’s scholarship’. The Grants subcommittee will wish to see an ambitious plan for dissemination, appropriate to the scale of the research project. As this scheme is publicly funded, please ensure that your plans include making the results of proposed research publicly available.  For large publication projects we encourage open access publication.

Provide an outline of plan for dissemination.

Estimated Expenses: Detailed breakdown of estimated expenses

While general estimated post excavation costs should be given on the application form, a full and detailed breakdown of estimated costs must be included using the template provided, indicating the likely duration of the post excavation, and the number of participants as follows:

Post-Excavation (incl Publication,  Archiving & Accessioning)
Staff costs € per week Number of weeks Subtotal
e.g. Supervisor, Surveyor, Illustrator, Editor €00 X €XX
Other running costs Detail of each expense Subtotal
e.g. Insurance, office rental, specialist consumables
Analysis Detail of each expense Subtotal
e.g. Specialist consultation, Specialist analysis, Dating
Post-Excavation Total