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Applicants are required to submit a detailed application form online, including:

1. A copy of the relevant section of the Ordnance Survey map with the site or sites marked
2. An adequate site plan
3. Where the applicant is not the holder of the excavation licence for the site, a letter from the excavation licence holder (if relevant) stating that the applicant has discussed the application with him/her and that there is permission in principle for the dating of the sample

Online Application Form and Appended Information

Applicants must complete the online application form with the appended information (Sections 1-6) as indicated below. Failure to do so correctly may disqualify the applicant from consideration for funding.

a) Title of Proposed Project
b) Please provide a brief abstract (for publicising funded projects etc.)

a) Name
b) Address
c) Phone
d) Emai

a) Please describe your project proposal, its potential significance, and how it meets the aims
and priorities of the grant scheme as outlined in the guidelines for applicants. Include the
research potential of each sample proposed. (maximum 500 words).

b) Site details: Grid reference, Site name, townland, county, if applicable

c) Provide the name and addresses of landowner(s), if applicable.

d) Please attach the following documents, as relevant to your application:
• A copy of the relevant section of the OS survey map with the site(s) marked (if sample is coming from an excavation)

a) Current employment
b) Affiliation
c) Academic Training
d) Other Professional Qualifications or experience relevant to this proposal
e) Please give the name and address of a referee who has agreed to vouch for your experience
and expertise in this area.
f) Have you previously held an RIA grant before?
g) If you answered yes above please give details here

a) Please list proposed samples for dating (note – maximum 5 and not all samples may be funded) including the following details for each proposed sample:
• Find or sample registration number.
• Type of material, e.g. bone, charcoal etc.
• Specific material identification, e.g. human femur, birch, hazelnut shell etc.
• Weight of sample
• Contextual details and stratigraphic location of each sample, supported by a detailed plan and section showing where the sample is from
• A photo of the artefact/sample if possible.

b) Excavation licence number and date excavation took place (if applicable)

c) Sources of funding for the research project and/or excavation

d) Details of previous publication, if relevant, listing references, including existing radiocarbon dates on these or similar materials if applicable.

e) Confirm authorisation to date this/these samples and attach as relevant:
• Correspondence confirming permission in principle for artefact/ecofact work from NMI.
• If the applicant is not the excavation licence holder, correspondence from them stating
there is permission in principle for the dating of the sample
• Confirmation that the proposed sample has been identified and deemed suitable for
dating based on the recommendation of the relevant specialist (eg osteoarchaeologist,
zooarchaeologist, environmental specialist). Attach relevant reports/correspondence.

Please outline your plans for dissemination and publication of results of radiocarbon dates.