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  1. A letter of verification from one named referee confirming the applicant’s ability and suitability to undertake the research.
  2. Detailed costings of proposed research.
  3. Where relevant, a copy of a detailed quotation received from proposed specialist/s.
  4. Where relevant, correspondence from the NMI stating that the applicant has discussed the application and that there is permission in principle for the proposed work based on the project rationale. Considering the short timescale of this scheme, it is advisable, if a proposal will require licenses to alter and/or export, that those discussions should include the methodology detail.
  5. Where relevant, correspondence confirming permission in principle for fieldwork from both the landowner and from NMS, or from both the responsible Senior Archaeologist and Senior Architect in the case of research in proximity to a National Monument, or from the relevant Senior Inspector within the Historic Environment Division of DfC in the case of research in proximity to a scheduled historic monument or a monument in State Care/Guardianship.
  6. Where relevant, a copy of the Ordnance Survey map with the site or sites marked.

An application will be deemed ineligible if it does not include all required supporting documentation and confirmations.