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  • Where relevant, a letter from the landowner stating that the applicant has discussed the application with them and that there is permission in principle for the work
  • Where relevant, a letter from the NMS stating that the applicant has discussed the application and that there is permission in principle for the proposed work
  • Where relevant, a copy of the Ordnance Survey map with the site or sites marked.
  • Where relevant, a copy of a detailed quotation received from proposed specialist/s.
  • In the case of research applications associated with a Tentative List site, each application must be accompanied by a letter from the lead Local Authority/Steering Group stating that they agree to the proposal and outlining how it will help contribute to the development of related World Heritage Nomination Dossier.

An application will be deemed ineligible if it does not include all required supporting documentation and confirmations.

Online Application Form and Appended Information

Applicants must complete the online application form with the appended information (questions 1-7) as indicated below. Failure to do so correctly may disqualify the applicant from consideration for funding.

a) Title of Proposed Project

b) Please provide a brief abstract (for publicising funded projects etc.)

a) First name and surname

b) Address

c) Phone

d) Email

a) Please describe your project proposal, its potential significance, and how it meets the aims and priorities of the grant scheme as outlined in the guidelines for applicants (maximum 2000 words).

b) Site details: Site name, townland, county, if applicable

c) Grid reference, if applicable

d) Provide the name and addresses of landowner(s), if applicable

e) Please attach where relevant, a letter from the landowner stating that the applicant has discussed the application with him/her and that there is permission in principle for the proposed work:

f) Please attach where relevant, a letter from the NMS stating that the applicant has discussed the application and that there is permission in principle for the proposed work:

g) Please attach where relevant, in the case of research applications associated with a Tentative List site, a letter from the lead Local Authority/Steering Group stating that they agree to the proposal and outlining how it will help contribute to the development of related World Heritage Nomination Dossier

h) Where relevant, upload a photocopy of the Ordnance Survey map with the site or sites marked.

a) Present position

b) Academic Training

c) Other Professional qualifications

d) Recent Research Projects and Publications

e) Please give the names and addresses of two referees that you have consulted with and who are competent to judge your professional and personal qualifications. Your referees should be senior archaeologists, architects, site managers or researchers. Please upload a letter of verification from one named referee.

f) Have you previously received funding from the Royal Irish Academy?

If yes, please provide details below:

g) Please provide details of any publications arising from previous grants (if applicable):

Describe how the project will be achieved to best practice.

The answer should include but not be limited to the following:
The Grants subcommittee will wish to see how the project will be achieved to best practice. The answer should include but not be limited to the following:

• The investigative and research methods (including archiving).
• A detailed achievable timeframe (ideally in Gantt chart or similar format).
• The facilities available to the project.
• The research partners and/or specialists involved and what they will be contributing.
• The aspects of the project that are State of the Art in particular the use of cutting edge developments in archaeology, including new scientific techniques.

A strategic goal of the RIA is to ‘represent Ireland by engaging and leading in activities that strengthen international recognition of the Academy’s scholarship’. The Grants subcommittee will wish to see an ambitious plan for dissemination, appropriate to the scale of the research project. As this scheme is publicly funded, please ensure that your plans include making the results of proposed research publicly available. We encourage open access publication.
What are your plans for dissemination including but not limited to community engagement, conference papers and publications? Highlight innovative formats and platforms (max. 750 words).

a) Please upload your detailed breakdown of estimated expenses.

b) Total amount sought.

Please note that a detailed breakdown of estimated expenses will aid the assessment of your application.

c) Where specialist expertise is anticipated as part of your project please upload detailed quotation/s from the intended specialist or specialists.