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The IHO catalogue lists works on Irish history published since the 1930s, with selected material published in earlier decades. It currently contains over 111,000 bibliographic records.


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Irish History Online includes bibliographic information on books and pamphlets, articles from journals published in Ireland or internationally, and chapters from books of essays, including Festschriften and conference proceedings. The catalogue is not an exhaustive list of every known publication relating to Irish history. However, we will continuously strive to make it accurate, up to date and an essential resource for the study of Irish history at any level, and is free of charge to users.

IHO is hosted and managed by the Royal Irish Academy Library and is compiled, edited and regularly updated by a team of voluntary editors and compilers. If you would be interested in joining our team, please send us an email at If you would like to submit details of your own publication(s), you can do so by clicking on the relevant online form below,

The initial search screen allows keyword searching across the full IHO database, working like a search engine. Initial results can then be refined. An advanced search screen is also available for more specific searches. Select CATALOGUE from the menu to start your search.

Project background

Irish History Online (IHO) was established as an online database in 2003 at the National University of Ireland Maynooth with funding from the Irish Research Council for the Humanities and Social Sciences (IRCHSS). The database was developed in association with the Royal Historical Society Bibliography of British and Irish History between 2003 and 2009. Since January 2010 the two projects have operated separately. The database is updated regularly and has now exceeded 111,000 entries for publications on Irish historical topics, and it continues to expand.

Submitting Information to IHO

The Irish History Online volunteers are continuously adding bibliographical information from new publications, articles, chapters on or about Irish history to the IHO database. To help keep this process consistent and concise, we have created the relevant forms to enable authors, academics, historians and researchers to submit their own bibliographic information. Once we receive these forms, the information will be entered directly into the IHO database for users around the world to access.

Or if you would like to submit a list of publications, feel free to email the list to

There are four forms and they are:

If you have queries about submitting your information to IHO, please send us an email at