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677 members found

  • Professor Maurice J. Bric

    MA(NUI), AM, PhD(Johns Hopkins)

    Associate Professor of History, University College Dublin

    Member, PL&A

    Discipline: History

    Elected in 2000

    Offices held: On Council and in Office: 2003–05, VP 2005-06, 2006-07

  • Professor Derek E.G Briggs

    BA(Dubl), PhD(Cantab), ScD(hc Dubl)

    G. Evelyn Hutchinson Professor of Geology and Geophysics, and Curator-in-charge, Invertebrate Paleontology, Yale University

    Honorary Member, Science

    Discipline: Earth And Environmental Sciences

    Elected in 2003

  • Professor Peter Brown

    Director, Program in Hellenic Studies and Philip and Beulah Rollins Professor of History, Princeton University

    Honorary Member, PL&A

    Discipline: History

    Elected in 2010

  • Professor Terence Peter McCord Brown

    GMG, MA, PhD(Dubl)

    Professor of Anglo-Irish Literature, Trinity College Dublin

    Member, PL&A

    Discipline: Literary And Theatrical Studies

    Elected in 1992

    Offices held: On Council: 1997-98

  • Dr James Joseph Browne

    BE(NUI 1974), MEngSc(NUI 1978), PhD(UMIST 1990), DSc(UMIST 1990)

    Ollscoil na Gaillimhe - University of Galway 

    Member, Science

    Discipline: Engineering And Material Sciences

    Elected in 2005

  • Professor Janet Elizabeth Browne

    BA(Dubl 1972), MSc(Imperial 1973), PhD(Imperial 1978), DSc(hc Dubl 2009)

    Professor, Harvard University

    Honorary Member, PL&A

    Discipline: History

    Elected in 2019

  • Professor Katherine Browne

    PhD(Gloucestershire 2003), MA(Sheffield 1999), BSc(Loughborough 1998)

    Professor, University College Dublin

    Member, PL&A

    Discipline: Geography

    Elected in 2022

  • Professor Joanna Brück

    BA(Cantab 1993), PhD(Cantab 1998)

    Professor of Archaeology, University College Dublin

    Member, PL&A

    Discipline: Archaeology

    Elected in 2023

  • Professor Ronald Hull Buchanan

    BA, PhD(QUB)

    Emeritus Professor of Irish Geography, Queen's University Belfast 

    Member, PL&A

    Discipline: History

    Elected in 1987

    Offices held: On Council and in Office: 1992-94, VP 1994-96

  • Professor Stephen Michael Buckley

    BSc, MSc(NUI 1983, 1984), MS(Chicago 1985), PhD(Chicago 1990)

    Professor, Maynooth University

    Member, Science

    Discipline: Mathematics

    Elected in 2018

  • Professor Yvonne Maria Buckley

    BA(Oxon 1997), PhD(Imperial College 2002), DIC(Imperial College 2002), MA jo(Dubl 2014)

    Professor of Zoology, Trinity College Dublin

    Member, Science

    Discipline: Biology

    Elected in 2019

  • Professor Robert Burch

    BSc, PhD, DSc(QUB)

    Research Professor in Catalysis, Queen's University Belfast 

    Member, Science

    Discipline: Chemistry

    Elected in 2006

  • Professor Mark Thornton Burnett

    BA(Exeter 1983), MA(San Diego), D.Phil(Oxon 1990)

    Professor of Renaissance Studies, Queen's University Belfast 

    Member, PL&A

    Discipline: Literary And Theatrical Studies

    Elected in 2010

  • Professor Duncan Thorburn Burns

    BSc(Leeds 1955), PhD(Leeds 1959), DSc(Loughborough 1972), MA(QUB 1992). FRSE

    Adjunct Professor, Kasetsart University; Emeritus Professor of Chemistry, Visiting Research Professor, Queen's University Belfast 

    Member, Science

    Discipline: Chemistry

    Elected in 1984

  • Professor Geraldine Butler

    BA(Dubl 1984), PhD(Dubl 1989)

    Professor of Genetics, University College Dublin

    Member, Science

    Discipline: Biology

    Elected in 2015

    Offices held: On Council: 2016-2020

  • Professor Ruth Mary Josephine Byrne

    BA(NUI 1983), PhD(Dubl 1986), FTCD

    Professor of Cognitive Science (Personal Chair), Trinity College Dublin

    Member, Science

    Discipline: Public Health And Health Professions (Medicine, Nursing, Dentistry, Pharmacy)

    Elected in 2007

    Awards: 2021 Royal Irish Academy Gold Medal - Social Sciences

  • Professor Lorraine Byrne Bodley

    BA(NUI 1988, 1995), HDip(NUI 1989), PhD(NUI 1999), DMus(NUI 2012)

    Professor of Musicology, Maynooth University

    Member, PL&A

    Discipline: Musicology And History Of Art And Architecture

    Elected in 2015

  • Ms Geraldine Byrne Nason

    BA, MA(NUI), Dip(NYU)

    Ambassador of Ireland to the United States of America, Department of Foreign Affairs

    Member, PL&A

    Discipline: Languages And Linguistic Studies

    Elected in 2014

  • Professor Martin Caffrey

    BAgrSc(NUI 1972), MS, PhD(Cornell 1976, 1983)

    Professor of Membrane Structural and Functional Biology, Trinity College Dublin

    Member, Science

    Discipline: Biology

    Elected in 2009

  • Professor Clive Edric John Caldicott

    MA(Dubl), BA, M-ès-L(Aix-Marseille), PhD(Dubl), Maître-ès-Jeux(Académie des Jeux Floraux, Toulouse)

    Emeritus Professor of French, University College Dublin

    Member, PL&A

    Discipline: Languages And Linguistic Studies

    Elected in 2001

  • Professor Bruce Mortimer Stanley Campbell

    BA, PhD(Cantab). FBA

    Professor of Medieval Economic History, Queen's University Belfast 

    Member, PL&A

    Discipline: History

    Elected in 1997

  • Professor William Cecil Campbell

    BA, MA(Dubl 1952), PhD(Wiscon 1956), DSc(hc Wiscon 2005, McGill 2007), ScD(hc Dubl 2012), DLitt (hc Drew 2016)

    Drew University

    Honorary Member, Science

    Discipline: Biology

    Elected in 2016

  • Dr Mary Canning

    BA, MA, H. Dip.Ed., PhD(NUI 1965, 1967, 1968, 1973), DLitt(hc NUI 2014)

    Board Member, Higher Education Authority

    Member, PL&A

    Discipline: Sociology, Political Sciences And Social Sciences

    Elected in 2010

    Offices held: On Council and in Office: 2017-2018, SVP 2018-2020, President 2020-2023

  • Professor Mary Cannon

    MB BCh BAO(NUI 1988), Diploma Statistics(Dubl 1992), MRCPsych(Royal College of Psychiatrists, 1993),

    Psychiatrist, RCSI University of Medicine and Health Sciences 

    Member, Science

    Discipline: Public Health And Health Professions (Medicine, Nursing, Dentistry, Pharmacy)

    Elected in 2022

    Offices held: On Council: 2023-24