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677 members found

  • Professor Rita Colwell

    BS(Lafayette, Indiana, 1956) MS(Purdue University, 1958) PhD(University of Washington 1961)

    Distinguished Professor, University of Maryland and Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health, Chairman, Canon US Life Sciences Inc, former Director of the National Science Foundation, USA, Johns Hopkins University

    Honorary Member, Science

    Discipline: Biology

    Elected in 2010

  • Professor Claire Connolly

    BA(NUI 1988), MA(NUI 1990), PhD(Cardiff 1995)

    Professor of Modern English, University College Cork

    Member, PL&A

    Discipline: Literary And Theatrical Studies

    Elected in 2018

    Offices held: On Council and in Office: 2021-22, VP 2022-23, Secretary for PL&A 2024-

  • Professor Seán Joseph Connolly

    BA, HDipEd(NUI 1972, 1973), DPhil(UU 1977)

    Professor of Irish History, Queen's University Belfast 

    Member, PL&A

    Discipline: History

    Elected in 1995

  • Professor Jane Conroy

    BA, MA(NUI), D-ès-L(Sorbonne)

    Professor in French, Ollscoil na Gaillimhe - University of Galway 

    Member, PL&A

    Discipline: Languages And Linguistic Studies

    Elected in 2003

    Offices held: On Council and in Office: Secretary for PL&A 2005-2010, VP 2019-2023

  • Professor Maeve Cooke

    BA(NUI), MA(NUI), DrPhil(Konstanz)

    Professor of Philosophy, University College Dublin

    Member, PL&A

    Discipline: Philosophy, Theology And Religious Studies

    Elected in 2005

  • Professor Brendan Gabriel Cooney

    BA, MA, PhD(NUI 1975, 1976, 1987)

    Associate Professor of Archaeology, University College Dublin

    Member, PL&A

    Discipline: Archaeology

    Elected in 2004

    Offices held: On Council: 2014-18, 2019-23

  • Professor James Andrew Graham Cooper

    BSc(QUB 1984), MSc(Natal, Durban 1987), PhD(Natal, Durban, 1991)

    Professor, University of Ulster 

    Member, Science

    Discipline: Earth And Environmental Sciences

    Elected in 2023

  • Dr France Anne Córdova

    BA(Stanford 1969), PhD(California IT 1979)

    Former Director, National Science Foundation

    Honorary Member, Science

    Discipline: Physics and Astronomy

    Elected in 2017

  • Professor John Corish

    BSc, PhD(NUI), MA(Dubl) FTCD

    Professor of Physical Chemistry, Trinity College Dublin

    Member, Science

    Discipline: Chemistry

    Elected in 1986

    Offices held: On Council and in Office: 1998-2000, VP 2000-01, 2001-02, Secretary for IR 2007-08, Treasurer 2008-13

  • Professor Karen Patrice Corrigan

    BA(NUI 1984), PhD(NUI 1997)

    Professor of Linguistics and English Language/Director of Research in Linguistics, Newcastle University

    Honorary Member, PL&A

    Discipline: Languages And Linguistic Studies

    Elected in 2021

  • Dr Arthur Joseph Cosgrove

    BA, PhD

    Former President, University College Dublin

    Member, PL&A

    Discipline: History

    Elected in 1997

  • Professor Mary Cosgrove

    BA(NUI 1993), MA(NUI 1995), PhD(NUI 2002)

    Professor in German, Trinity College Dublin

    Member, PL&A

    Discipline: Literary And Theatrical Studies

    Elected in 2022

  • Professor Kevin Costello

    BA(Cantab 1999), PhD(Cantab 2003)

    Krembil Foundation's William Rowan Hamilton Chair of Theoretical Physics, Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics

    Honorary Member, Science

    Discipline: Mathematics

    Elected in 2019

  • Professor Thomas Gerard Cotter

    BSc(NUI 1976), DPhil(Oxon 1979)

    Professor of Biochemistry, University College Cork

    Member, Science

    Discipline: Biology

    Elected in 2005

  • Dr Marie Therese Cowan

    Diploma(Inst of Directors 2020), Certificate(Inst of Director 2019), PhD(QUB 2002), BSc(QUB 1995)

    Director, GSNI, Geological Survey of Northern Ireland 

    Member, Science

    Discipline: Earth And Environmental Sciences

    Elected in 2020

    Offices held: On Council: 2024-

  • Professor Rónadh Cox

    BSc(NUI 1985), PhD(Stanford 1993)

    Professor of Geosciences, Williams College

    Honorary Member, Science

    Discipline: Earth And Environmental Sciences

    Elected in 2021

  • Professor Peter Coxon

    BSc(Sussex), PhD(Cantab). FTCD

    Professor of Geography, Trinity College Dublin

    Member, Science

    Discipline: Earth And Environmental Sciences

    Elected in 2002

    Offices held: On Council: 2006-10, 2014-18

  • Dr William Hugh Galloway Crawley

    BA(QUB 1990) MA(QUB 1992) MDiv(Princeton Theological Seminary, 1998) PhD(QUB 1999) DLit hc(QUB 2012)

    Journalist, BBC

    Member, PL&A

    Discipline: Film, Media And Visual Studies

    Elected in 2019

  • Professor Michael Anthony Cronin

    BA(Dubl 1982), MA(NUI 1986), PhD(Dubl 1991)

    Professor of French, Trinity College Dublin

    Member, PL&A

    Discipline: Languages And Linguistic Studies

    Elected in 2006

    Offices held: On Council and in Office: Secretary for PL&A 2010-12

  • Ms Catriona Crowe

    BA(NUI 1973)

    Archivist, National Archives of Ireland

    Member, PL&A

    Discipline: History

    Elected in 2011

  • Professor Mark A Crowe

    BAgr Sc(NUI 1989), PhD(NUI 1994), Dipl(American College of Animal Physiology 2002), DSc(NUI 2010)

    Professor of Animal Husbandry and Reproductive Biology, University College Dublin

    Member, Science

    Discipline: Agriculture, Veterinary And Food Science

    Elected in 2013

  • Professor John Paul Crown

    MB, BCh BAO(NUI 1980), BSc(NUI 1982), MRCPI 1982, MD(SUNY 1990), FRCPI 1996, MBA(NUI 1999)

    Medical Oncologist, and Professor of Oncology, St Vincent's University Hospital, DCU, UCD

    Member, Science

    Discipline: Public Health And Health Professions (Medicine, Nursing, Dentistry, Pharmacy)

    Elected in 2021

  • Professor Paul David Crowther

    BA(Leeds 1975), MA(York 1977), Cert.Ed.(Cantab 1978), DPhil(Oxon 1987), MA(Oxon)

    Professor Emeritus of Philosophy, Ollscoil na Gaillimhe - University of Galway 

    Member, PL&A

    Discipline: Musicology And History Of Art And Architecture

    Elected in 2017

  • Professor John F. Cryan

    BSc, PhD(NUIG 1995, 1999)

    Professor of Anatomy, University College Cork

    Member, Science

    Discipline: Biology

    Elected in 2017