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Edited by Professor Emeritus Damian McManus, Department of Irish and Celtic Studies, Trinity College Dublin and Dr Mícheál Hoyne Department of Irish and Celtic Studies, Trinity College Dublin

Print ISSN: 0332-0758
Online ISSN: 2009-0056
Frequency: 1 Annually

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Special compilation issue to coincide with ICM 2017

A special virtual issue of the journal, containing a compilation of previously published papers, was prepared to coincide with the 2017 Irish Conference of Medievalists, to showcase the wide range of subjects covered in Ériu and to demonstrate how relevant the journal is to medieval scholarship in Ireland.

This special compilation issue is available here, and all the papers are free to download.

The regular subscription issue for 2017 (vol. lxvii) has been published.

The archive for Ériu is available in JSTOR

Current content is available with a 3 year moving wall.

Ériu is devoted to Irish philology and literature, and from its foundation in 1904 the peer-reviewed journal has had a reputation internationally among Celtic scholars. In the century since its inception, Ériu has served as an outlet for the work of the early standard bearers of Irish language studies and Celtic studies and of each new generation of researchers in turn.

In it have been published many hitherto unedited texts with translations; annals, sagas, ecclesiastical documents of great importance, poems, catalogues of MSS., and linguistic studies… (1925–26 Report of the School of Irish Learning).

Contributors to Ériu in its early years include Osborn Bergin, Carl Marstrander, Rudolf Thurneysen, E.J. Gwynn, Douglas Hyde, Éoin Mac Neill, Eleanor Knott, R.I. Best, Maud Joynt and R.A.S. Macalister. Among other groundbreaking research, the journal has published an edition of the oldest version of the Táin Bó Cúailnge, from the ‘Yellow Book of Lecan’ and Lebor na hUidre, and, in the Irish Grammatical Tracts, an analysis of the standard literary dialect of Irish as taught and practised in the bardic schools from the thirteenth to the seventeenth century. Recent excellent articles include Aaron Griffith on ‘The animacy hierarchy and the distribution of the notae augentes in Old Irish’; Jacopo Bisagni and Immo Warntjes: ‘The early Old Irish material in the newly discovered Computus Einsidlensis (ca. AD 700)’ and Neil McLeod’s ‘Fergus mac Léti and the law’.

Instructions to Authors

Manuscripts for publication in Ériu should be submitted via Manuscript Manager.

If authors have any queries regarding our submission procedure, they are welcome to contact the editors by email: Professor Damian McManus and Dr Mícheál Hoyne.

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